Assessment of biochemical profile among patients of gestational diabetes mellitus
Biochemical profile of GDM patients
Gestational diabetes mellitus, Biochemical profile, HbA1cAbstract
Gestational diabetes mellitus is common but a major health problem in pregnant women. The rate of gestational diabetes mellitus has increased globally from 3% to 14% within last 10 years. Objective: To assess the biochemical profile of women with gestational diabetes mellitus visiting public hospitals, Lahore city. Methods: A cross-sectional study was carried out at gynae department of Sir Ganga Ram Hospital, Lahore and Services Institute of Medical Sciences, Lahore within 4 months using the convenient sampling technique. The data of 100 patients were collected through pre-tested questionnaire. Data were analyzed statistically using SPSS version 21.0. Frequencies were calculated, Pearson’s chi-square test was applied. Results: According to the results, 81% patients were not having insulin therapy during pregnancy and only 19% were having insulin. 73% patients had OGTT values above 200 mg/dl during pregnancy while 27% had values above 140 mg/dl. An insignificant association was found between HbA1c test results and cereal food (paratha) consumption (p< .72). Conclusions: Study concluded that more than half of female had high OGTT rate. Improper medication, irregular treatment and lack of proper medication to control diabetes during pregnancy were a major cause of high clinical test values of diabetes in pregnant women. There was no significant association between HbA1c test results and cereal food consumption
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