Physical And Sensory Evaluation of Peanut Yogurt
Physical and Sensory Evaluation of Peanut Yogurt
Yogurt, jaukurt, skimmed milk, peanut milk, skimmed milk powderAbstract
The word “yogurt” is related to the Turkish word “jaukurt” which means thick milk. Yogurt refers to a fermented milk product made by using selected microorganisms to develop not only the characteristic flavor but also body and texture. Peanut is one of the important nutrients which has significant amount of all essential nutrients. Objective: In this study physical and sensory properties of peanut yogurt are evaluated by using different scientifically proved sensory evaluation methods. Methods: Organoleptic evaluation of yogurt showed that storage as well as treatments had significant effect on all sensory parameters and a progressive deterioration in flavor, body & texture and appearance of yogurt under various preparatory treatments. Results: Among treatments, highest scores were awarded to treatment containing 10 % peanut milk, 80 % skimmed milk liquid, 9 % skimmed milk powder and 1 % sugar, for all parameters and minimum changes were noted in it during the whole period of study. Recent investigation revealed that treatment T1 (10 % peanut milk) was comparatively best for manufacturing of peanut milk yogurt followed by T2 (20 % peanut milk + 70 % skimmed milk liquid + 9 % skimmed milk powder + 1 % sugar) while peanut milk yogurt from (30 % peanut milk + 60 % skimmed milk liquid + 9 % skimmed milk powder + 1 % sugar) had the lowest degree of firmness and organoleptic acceptance. Conclusion: It was noticed that correlation among fat, total solids and protein contents in peanut milk affect the extent of serum separation and pH of yogurt and ultimately the texture and overall acceptability of yogurt.
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