Chemical Characterisation of Tamarind Plum Squash
Chemical characterisation of tamarind plum squash
Storage stability, Functional drink, Tamarind Plum Quality CharacterisationAbstract
Tamarind plum containing red flesh when peeled is very intriguing fruit due to its high content of bioactive compounds, such as the anthocyanins and other polyphenolic compounds with a high antioxidant capacity. These natural substances found in plum acts to prevent diseases, including diabetes and cancer. Objective: In this study squash was prepared with tamarind plum to evaluate the quality and shelf-life extension of the fruit at different concentrations. Methods: The tamarind plum was used to prepare squash with different percentages of tamarind juice and plum juice but at same percentages of sugar, water, and sodium benzoic acid. Prepared squash was filled in polyethylene terephthalate bottles and analysed after 0, 15, 30, 45, 60, 75, and 90 days of storage. The tamarind plum squash was subjected to total phenolic compounds, pH, TSS, Titratable acidity, reducing and non-reducing sugar, and sugar acid ratio. Result: Maximum TSS (49.54), ascorbic acid (33.46), pH (2.29), titratable acidity (2.11), reducing sugar (24.29), and non-reducing sugar (37.64) was observed in squash prepared using tamarind juice (350ml), plum juice (400), sodium benzoic acid, sugar and water (2g, 1kg and 250ml). Storage showed significant effect on reducing sugar and non-reducing sugar, ascorbic acid, pH and titratable acidity during nineteen-day storage. Conclusion: On the basis of above results it was concluded that sample TPS3 show best in keeping quality during storage time intervals. Hence, the results of sample TPS3 of tamarind plum blended squash is more recommended in terms of commercial use and for large scale industrial production. Squash prepared from tamarind and plum are more acceptable to consumers because of sour test, need commercialisation.
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