Knowledge, Attitude and Practices Regarding Dietary Salt Intake among University Students
Dietary Salt Intake among University Students
Knowledge, Attitude, Practices, Salt, Dietary Habits, StudentsAbstract
High salt intake is associated with an increased risk of hypertension, which is a major risk factor for cardiovascular diseases. Objective: To investigate the knowledge, attitudes and practices (KAP) for dietary salt intake among university students. Methods: A cross-sectional study was carried out from The University of Lahore. Total 100 students were selected through non-probability convenient sampling technique. SPSS Version 25.0 was used for data analysis. Inclusion Criteria included participants between the ages of 18 to 30 and also healthy individuals. Results: 40 participants were underweighted, 44 normal-weight, and 16 were over-weight of BMI. 80 respondents were under-graduated and 20 respondents were post graduated, 90 unmarried and 10 married respondents, 83 belonged to middle class, 23 participants felt warning signs before the start of blood pressure. 60 was affecting the quality of life, 28 were affecting on daily activities. In knowledge based, 95% agreed high salt cause health problems, 23 consumed high salt. In Attitude based, 50 participants were right amount of salt, 35 participants consumed salty snacks and 32 consumed pickle foods. In practices based, 31 participants rarely tried to reduce spices, 41 participants were trying to buy low salt foods, 23 consumed or added soy sauce to food at the table, and 20 consumed pasta and noodles less than 1-2 times weekly, 59 consumed fast foods. Conclusions: The study showed that all of the participants consume sauces, pickles and salty snacks which are major dietary sources of salt. Public education initiatives should promote less use of “hidden salt”.
High salt intake is associated with an increased risk of hypertension, which is a major risk factor for cardiovascular diseases. Objective: To investigate the knowledge, attitudes and practices (KAP) for dietary salt intake among university students. Methods: A cross-sectional study was carried out from The University of Lahore. Total 100 students were selected through non-probability convenient sampling technique. SPSS Version 25.0 was used for data analysis. Inclusion Criteria included participants between the ages of 18 to 30 and also healthy individuals. Results: 40 participants were underweighted, 44 normal-weight, and 16 were over-weight of BMI. 80 respondents were under-graduated and 20 respondents were post graduated, 90 unmarried and 10 married respondents, 83 belonged to middle class, 23 participants felt warning signs before the start of blood pressure. 60 was affecting the quality of life, 28 were affecting on daily activities. In knowledge based, 95% agreed high salt cause health problems, 23 consumed high salt. In Attitude based, 50 participants were right amount of salt, 35 participants consumed salty snacks and 32 consumed pickle foods. In practices based, 31 participants rarely tried to reduce spices, 41 participants were trying to buy low salt foods, 23 consumed or added soy sauce to food at the table, and 20 consumed pasta and noodles less than 1-2 times weekly, 59 consumed fast foods. Conclusions: The study showed that all of the participants consume sauces, pickles and salty snacks which are major dietary sources of salt. Public education initiatives should promote less use of “hidden salt”.
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