Determination of the Temperature and Time Required for Formation of Safe Levels of Acrylamide in Bakery Products

Temperature and Time for Formation of Acrylamide in Bakery Products


  • Saman Qadeer Department of Diet and Nutritional Sciences, Rashid Latif Khan University, Lahore, Pakistan
  • Shahnai Basharat Department of Diet and Nutritional Sciences, Rashid Latif Khan University, Lahore, Pakistan
  • Rameen Bukht Khan Department of Diet and Nutritional Sciences, Rashid Latif Khan University, Lahore, Pakistan
  • Saman Ishtiaq Department of Diet and Nutritional Sciences, Rashid Latif Khan University, Lahore, Pakistan
  • Aisha Hasan Department of Diet and Nutritional Sciences, Rashid Latif Khan University, Lahore, Pakistan
  • Mishab Zahur Department of Diet and Nutritional Sciences, Rashid Latif Khan University, Lahore, Pakistan
  • Areeba Ajmal Department of Diet and Nutritional Sciences, Rashid Latif Khan University, Lahore, Pakistan



Acrylamide, Temperature, Time, Bakery Products


Acrylamide as a toxic and carcinogenic substance is produced naturally during high-temperature methods used in baking. Objectives: To evaluate the temperature and time required for the formation of safe levels of acrylamide in bakery products. Methods: All developed bakery products were evaluated for their chemical elements i.e. fiber, moisture, ash, protein, crude, and crude fat were calculated according to their relevant methods. Bakery product ingredients were procured from the local market of Lahore. Furthermore, developed products were quantified for acrylamide concentration using high-performance liquid chromatography (HPLC) technique. Three samples were prepared Control group (T0), Treatment plan 1 (T1), Treatment plan 2 (T2). From each group, 10g of sample was procured for analysis. Results: Pizza treated at T0 (220°C, 15min), T1 (210°C, 20 mints), and T2 (230°C, 10 min) had the following concentration of acrylamide (15.66 ± 3.05, ND, 32.33 ± 2.08 µ/kg), T0 (18°◦C, 20 mints), T1 (175°C, 25 mints), T2 (195◦C, 15 mints), showed acrylamide as (66.66 ± 2.51, 42.66 ± 3.05, 90 ± 1.73 µ/kg) and Cake T0 (160-15 mints), T1 (150-20 mints), T2 (170◦C, 10mins) acrylamide quantified (15.66 ± 2.51, ND, 34.33 ± 2.08µ/kg) and Biscuit (66.66 ± 2.51, 42.66.33 ± 3.05, 90 ± 1.73µ/kg). Conclusions: It was concluded that treating T1 (210°C for 20 mints -ND), To (175°C for 25 mints - 48.33 µ/kg), and T3 (150°C for 20 mints-ND) can reduce and mitigate the formation of acrylamide following. Low temperature and high time could serve as an efficient strategy to reduce acrylamide and optimize the process.


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DOI: 10.54393/df.v5i04.135
Published: 2024-12-31

How to Cite

Qadeer, S., Basharat, S., Khan, R. B., Ishtiaq, S., Hasan, A., Zahur, M., & Ajmal, A. (2024). Determination of the Temperature and Time Required for Formation of Safe Levels of Acrylamide in Bakery Products: Temperature and Time for Formation of Acrylamide in Bakery Products. DIET FACTOR (Journal of Nutritional and Food Sciences), 5(04), 14–18.



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